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Sport has this ability to unite, to bring people together around the same values, the same passions. It is a vector of strong emotions and creator of social ties. It can take on multiple aspects and be associated with multiple causes. Join us today to learn more about our projects, to become a volunteer or donor.

What we bring to you

MY BARIKA who works to: Give back the taste and the concrete possibility to each young person, including the one whose socio-economic ease is not guaranteed, to exercise their citizenship in an active and dynamic way, To offer young people, especially more vulnerable, a "plus" for their future by improving, through the project, their self-confidence, their integration profile as well as their personal status, Allow the mixing of audiences and promote the meeting of young people, Contribute to the establishment of greater equality of opportunity, by offering all young people a capital of experiences, assets and relationships to pursue, thereafter, their own journey, Contribute to community development and the strengthening of "living together" (social cohesion).

Contact us to find out more, to join us as a volunteer or to make a donation.

Leaders of the Future

At MY BARIKA, one of our main causes is to prepare young people to face the trials of community life. We use sport trials and lessons to help them grow in community and create a support system.



MY BARIKA launches its "BARIKA CHRISTMAS" operation and counts on the good will of individuals, non-profits and companies to offer families and children a gift that will light up their faces. Whether you are a company, a foundation or an institution, we all share an essential value: solidarity.


"You tell me, I forget. You teach me, I remember. You involve me, I learn." Benjamin franklin

One of our objectives is to guarantee the education of young people by organizing holiday camps around several sports during which we will invite several leaders in their field. Thanks to your generous donations and your volunteer work, you can help us accomplish this mission. Contact us for more information.

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